Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Suffern on Earth Day 2015
ROSA4Rockland Brings Back Wild & Scenic Film Festival to Majestic Suffern Lafayette Theater for Earth Day 2015 Suffern, NY – March 30, 2015 – ROSA4Rockland Inc. (“ROSA”)– an environmental 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization – is organizing the 2nd Annual Earth Day Film Festival at the historic Suffern Lafayette Theater on Wednesday April 22nd starting at 7:30pm (doors…
They’re Ba-ack!
It always seems to happen when we are busy, without notice, and with no time to spare – we get alerted by one of the external agencies that new plans are before the planning board. This is exactly what happened just a week ago. Last Decision: On March 22, 2013 the Town of Ramapo Planning…
Town of Ramapo Change to Comp Plan – Pascack Ridge
Tonight – February 11th, 2015 – there is a Public Hearing at the Town of Ramapo at 8:00pm regarding a proposed change to the comprehensive plan of the Town of Ramapo to facilitate the rezoning of two properties along Pascack Brook along with a number of other lots in the immediate vicinity. Currently this area…
2014 End of Year News
Dear Supporters, Happy holidays!! Thank you for taking a few minutes to get caught up on ROSA’s activities. When you get together this holiday season with your friends and neighbors please share this information with them and suggest they become ROSA supporters too. The Patrick Fight: Because of our success in 2013 in engaging the…
End of Year 2014 Lawsuit Status
Last year at the close of the year we posted an end of year 2013 summary of the status of the Patrick Farm lawsuits which were well received. Here it is a year later and the beat is still going on. 2014 was all about appeals. ROSA is using Susan Shapiro, Esq. to represent the…
Town of Ramapo Proposed Change to the Comprehensive Plan
Tonight – 11/12/14 – there is a Public Hearing at the Town of Ramapo at 8:00pm regarding a proposed change to the comprehensive plan of the Town of Ramapo to facilitate the rezoning of at least two properties along Pascack Brook. This area of Ramapo was identified for Medium Density housing (3-4 units per acre)…
Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Suffern on Earth Day 4/22/14
Save the date! Earth Day – April 22, 2014 – is now only two months away and ROSA wants to celebrate sustainability and the preservation of the great outdoors with Rockland and Bergen Counties by bringing the Wild and Scenic Film Festival to the historic Suffern Lafayette Theater in down town Suffern NY. Wild and…
2013 Year End News
Dear Supporters, Happy holidays and please take a few minutes and get caught up on ROSA’s advocacy to stop the ill-conceived Partrick Farm Develoment. 1. Lawsuits against the Town of Ramapo: There are many lawsuits and complicated procedural issues that ROSA is actively engaged in. As promised, ROSA is dedicated to continuing the legal battle both in…
December 10, 2013 Lawsuit Status Update
This is a summary of where in the process the various (numerous!) lawsuits against the Patrick Farm decision are at this point. The biggest frustrations that most people -who are in the know – experience is the gangbuster way in which the Town of Ramapo has allowed the developer to pursue the applications while there…
Running Wild Movie Event
Sorry about the bad link. We posted this page to help forward you to where you need to go. This is the page for the event info. This is the page to buy tickets.