Article 78 Lawsuit re: Town of Ramapo Planning Board Decision of 1/6/11
On January 6, 2011, the Town of Ramapo Planning Board issued a decision granting the application for preliminary subdivision approval for the project entitled Patrick Farm Subdivision. The community at large had 30 days to file any opposition to this decision. Please view our press release regarding the Article 78 lawsuit that was filed in…
ROSA Files Article 78 to Oppose Planning Board Decision
RAMAPO, NY, February 15, 2011: ROSA (Ramapo Organized for Sustainability and a Safe Aquifer) is the driving force behind a lawsuit filed on February 7th, 2011 in the Supreme Court of the State of New York (Rockland County). The lawsuit is an Article 78 proceeding against four (4) defendants, who include the Town of Ramapo,…
Drive by Video of Patrick Farm
Suzanne Mitchell drove 2/3 of the perimeter of the Patrick Farm boundary with Mark Leone filming the location. This video was taken in the winter when you can really see the lay of the land and the sheer number of trees and the expanse of the property.
Inappropriate Overdevelopment
The developer of the Patrick Farm property has proposed building 87 single family homes and 410 multi-family units proposed for just 208 acres.
Polluting our water supply
New roadways and rooftops become channels for surface runoff, full of contaminants that can pollute the sole source aquifer feeding our private wells and public water supply.
Future View on Route 202/306
Imagine 5,000+ people living on one-third of a square mile in town homes that will have up to six (6) bedrooms each. The population density could end being higher than Newark, NJ.
Taxes Go Higher / Home Values Lower
Demand on municipal resources, such as garbage removal, roadway repair, and rescue services, go up exponentially, while the bucolic nature of our home properties suffer irreversible harm.
Planning Board Meeting (1/6/11) Brings Surprising Results
This evening, 1/6/11, the Town of Ramapo planning board met in a “special meeting” to make a decision regarding a number of items related to the Patrick Farm preliminary development plans. We were very pleased to see that our advocacy has had a impact on the decisions made this evening. The expectation going into the…
Meeting for Vote Announced – Thursday 1/6/11 @ 8p.m.
Yesterday (1/3) the Town of Ramapo Planning Department quietly posted on their website their plans to hold a special meeting this Thursday night 1/6/11 at 8pm at Town Hall to decide on whether or not to give Preliminary Approval the proposed development of the Patrick Farm. Everyone should be attending.
Press Release: Rosa hires Keniry as attorney
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Suzanne Mitchell, ROSA (Ramapo Organized for Sustainability & a Safe Aquifer) Telephone: 646-470-ROSA (7672) Email: rosa4rockland@gmail.com Organized Citizen’s Group Hires Attorney to Oppose Massive Development in Ramapo “ROSA Names Albany Law Firm to Take on Town of Ramapo Planning Board” RAMAPO, NY, December…