Planning Board Meeting – Tuesday 12/21/10
The next Planning Board Meeting of the Town of Ramapo will be held this Tuesday 12/21/10 at 8:00 in the Council Room in Town Hall on Rt 59 across from Walmart. As of now there is still no posted agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.
Fundraising Campaign
If you are looking for our Fund Raising Letter 12.6.10, look no further just download it, and view it, print it and/or email it for your neighbors. (This letter is in pdf format and requires the free Adobe Reader.) Or read online the images from the letter below (note: printing this version won’t look great).…
ROSA is the Voice of Our Community
“Patrick Farm homes ripped at hearing” As reported this Tuesday in the Journal News, “Scores gathered at a public hearing before the Ramapo Planning Board on Monday (11/29), urging board members to reject a proposed 500-unit housing development on the 208-acre Patrick Farm site that borders the Village of Pomona.” In the end, after hours…
Planning Board Meeting 11/29/10 – News Coverage
We want to thank everyone for coming out last night to the planning board meeting to oppose the approval of the developers site plan for the Patrick Farm property. Your participation was noted in the news and we celebrate this community’s involvement. We want everyone to read the news coverage and stay tuned for information…
Patrick Farm DEIS and FEIS Documents
Tim Miller and Associates prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Patrick Farm Development. These documents are extensive but actually don’t go into the level of depth necessary for a project of this magnitude on a location of such environmental concern and significance. To access these documents GO…
Town of Ramapo Comprehensive Plan
A key resource that all residents of the Town of Ramapo should be familiar with and have access to is the Town of Ramapo comprehensive plan. It is actually available online at the Town of Ramapo website although it isn’t exactly the easiest to find. So here is a link to the comprehensive plan. In…
The Patrick Farm Sellout – Three Betrayals (P.R.)
This great article by Michael Castelluccio does a great job of summarizing the history of Patrick Farm and the issues behind its development. http://www.preserveramapo.org/Preserve%20Ramapo%20stories/patrick_farm_sellout_three%20betrayals.htm
Attend the Town of Ramapo Public Hearing Monday 11/29/10
There will be a public hearing starting at 8:00 on Monday 11/29/10 at the Town of Ramapo Town Hall – 237 Rt 59, Suffern, NY 10901 We are asking that everyone come out to speak to the planning board regarding their concern for the environmental impact that the Patrick Farm Development will have on…
LoHud – OpEd Nov 7, 2010 – Lee Ross
Patrick Farm plan threatens our water November 7, 2010 For a quarter century, I have had the great fortune to live in a 200-year-old farmhouse in the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains. From the moment I drew my first breath of crisp autumn air, I knew I was home. In the course of my work…
Suffern Public Hearing – November 10, 2010
A meeting was held in Suffern on November 10, 2010 to allow the public to speak and address their concerns regarding the impact that the Patrick Farm Development will have on the water supply for Suffern Residents. The following videos were taken of some of the key speakers at that meeting who were providing details…